About Me

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Tennessee, United States
Child of God, mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt just living life and making the best of it!





Thursday, May 19, 2011

33 weeks and 2 days...

Today, I am 33 weeks and 2 days pregnant. Yes, that two days totally matters. It is at this point in the pregnancy where you start counting every day, hour, minute, SECOND until your due date. This is also the point where people start to look at you like you have been beaten with a very large stick. Like, "oh, you poor thing." Then, you have those that actually TELL you how miserable you look. Yeah, cause miserable was totally the look I was going for when I got dressed this morning. That or pitiful. I was aiming for either. Plus, the lack of affordable maternity fashion does not help one bit. Do you really think I want to pay $50 for a shirt that, no matter how cute, still makes me look like a hot air balloon? No. Because, I don't plan to wear this shirt for a long time. Hopefully,I will go back to looking a lot less like a balloon after delivery. Can I also just say that maternity swim suits should just be against the law? Seriously? Who ACTUALLY looks good in these things? Unless you are a Victoria's Secret model who looks like they just had a large lunch. Or, just actually ate lunch for that matter. Average women who shop the maternity section at your local Target shouldn't bother trying them on. Really, just save yourself the stress. Pass it up. If you have to take one summer off, just do it. Or, just wear a t-shirt. It's just not a good situation. Not at all.

I really should stop complaining, I know. I do realize that there are some people out there who would love to be pregnant. This is a great blessing and I am very thankful. One day I will look back and miss this. Miss feeling all the bumps and kicks. Just not the cankles. :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

So much has happened...

So, I got caught up in life. Hey, it happens.  Lots of things have happened since my last post.  So, I will list some. You'll find I like to list random things.  On to the randomness...

-I am 32 weeks pregnant (tomorrow).  My legs stay swollen...full on cankle mode.  What fun that is.  My blood pressure is all sorts of crazy and I am now on BP meds.  That is also a blast, let me tell you.  Thought you were tired before from all the crazy things your pregnant body goes through?  Throw in some BP meds.  Then, you will need 20 naps a day.  Only, you can't take them because you have a 3 year old son.  So, you must stay moving and keep yourself busy...even though you are supposed to be on bed rest.  I delivered Avery at 36 weeks because of the BP issues.  Praying this pregnancy at least makes it to 36 weeks.

-I was promoted to a Certified Scentsy Consultant.  This makes me very happy.  Want to help me reach my next goal? http://sarabdavis.scentsy.us  Thanks in advance! :)

-We are making some progress in the potty training battle.  Number 1 is mastered...working on number 2.  I hope that girls are much easier to train than boys.  This has given me multiple gray hairs, I am sure of it.  Only, I will never see them because I am going to dye my hair forever. 

-We are all moved into our house.  Now, we are finally enjoying it...and cleaning it multiple times a day.  It is ours, though, so I guess that makes it okay.  We had a house warming party with a little bonfire to celebrate.  Robert built Avery a fort.  Complete with a pirate ship wheel and a telescope.  It also has a slide and two swings.  I would post pictures but I haven't taken any, yet.  They will come later.

-My mom and sister threw a shower for Ansley.  I got lots of great things.  Her room is pretty much ready.  A couple more things I want to do before she gets here.  I guess I probably need to get on top of that.  She has a bow collection started on her super cute little bow holder.  I just pray she has hair.  I didn't have much hair until I was like 3.  Hopefully she takes after her daddy...but, just the hair.  And maybe the eye lashes.

-My son totally just said, "what the donkey?"  So, I am going to end with that.  Goodnight, all.